what's a Lamprobe treatment?
Every clients seeks to have clear, smooth and flawless skin. Unfortunately as we age we notice a greater amount of skin abnormalities appearing on the surface of the skin. Some of those skin irregularities are related to sun over exposure.
Various skin abnormalities or lesions also tend to appear more in certain ethnic populations. Minor skin irregularities such as age spots, telangiectasia (broken capillaries), skin tags are more commonly found in certain ethnic groups. For example , fibromas appear more frequently on more pigmented skin and broken capillaries are more visible on the cheeks or nose of caucasian skins.
Most people have one or more of these minor skin conditions that they find undesirable and esthetically unpleasing. I personally call them barnacles, yes just like an old ship :)), i get them too! (cherry angiomas, skin tags and sebaceous keratosis).
Minor skin irregularities according to age :
Mature skins: Seborrheic keratoses, skin tags, cholesterol deposits, flat and raised age spots, cherry angiomas.
Aging/ elderly skin: skin tags, seborrheic keratoses, age spots raised or flat, cherry angiomas, fibromas.
Here comes the Lamprobe to the rescue! it’s actually the name of this Electrocautery device created by Pat and hubert Lam.
The Lamprobe is a modern evolution from traditional electrocautery, enabling the non-invasive treatment of superficial minor skin irregularities with limited discomfort. Various size of probes are being used to target the unwanted superficial skin irregularities without affecting surrounding tissues.
The Lamprobe treats these superficial irregularities irregularities non invasively and rapidly! 3 to 5 seconds. Skin tags and larger irregularities might take a little longer.
The discomfort during the treatment is tolerable, you will feel a slight zappy stingy feel. No anesthetic required.
After the treatment an antibiotic cream or ointment is applied to the area of treatment. The cosmetic area may feel irritated at first and a scab will form. The scab is a way for the skin to heal itself. Once the scab falls off on it’s own, the skin will slightly be pinkish and smooth. later it will resume it’ s normal coloring.
Fall and winter season is the ideal time to seek the lamprobe treatment as we are not exposing are skin to the sun.
If you have any questions about this treatment consult with me.