Lavande Face & Body

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Sometimes it's about the little things!!

Happy Friday!! I ’am sharing with you my daily life rituals that have drastically improved my life for the best!!

1.The first thing I like to do in the morning is open up the blinds and look into my backyard. I take a few deep breath as I join my palms together above my head (Namaste pose). I repeat this motion 2 or 3 times, i am a side sleeper so that’s my way of stretching my upper body. I then practice gratitude by going down the list of people and things i am grateful for, instantly, that gives me an over all feeling of well being.

“when you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears”

-Anthony Robbins; Author, speaker, motivator.

2. I know it’s gonna sound silly, but this next ritual i came up with for those days when i wake up and feel that dark cloud above my head. When I feel this way I want to go back under the covers and not come out!! EVER! My remedy, is to induce positive energy so I just pretend, “woohoo I won the lottery!!!” or “This is the BEST DAY of my life!!” I start cheering, dancing, jumping and letting that flow of happy energy come into me! i am telling you it’s like i rewire my brain and it works like magic!! the cloud is gone and i can move forward with my day.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. -Nikola tesla; Inventor, Physicist, Genius

3.First thing in the morning, before i start preparing my breakfast, i drink a cold glass of water (8oz to 16oz) on an empty stomach, this helps to flush out the toxins from the body and give a boost to my metabolism! ( as i need all the help i can get!!).

4. BE PRESENT! this is easier said than done. I am trying to make a conscious effort and be mindful and present in the moment! when i am successful at doing this, i feel more focused and have more energy which makes me feel happier!

5. I take a nap!! yes, i have no shame, if i can squeeze in a nap, I WILL DO IT!! i set up my timer on my phone for 30 minutes and catch some ZZZZZ…. i feel refreshed afterwards and ready to go on with my day!

6. Last but not least, i practice selfcare as a way to tell myself, my body and my soul, that i matter.

Friends love yourselves, you can do anything!

Have A beautiful day!!
